Assessment Paper 1
Overview of the paper
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes Maximum mark: 25
Paper 1 is the same for SL and HL. The weightings are here.
This is a source-based paper focused on analysis skills and whose content is the global politics core topics, and it is composed of four sources and four structured questions. The sources may be text, images, diagrams and infographics. Candidates must answer all questions, referring to the sources and their own knowledge.
Question 1: (3 marks), AO1
Question 1 tests understanding of a source. This can be demonstrated, for example, by identifying specific elements present in a source or by describing or summarizing information included in a diagram or table.
Question 2: (4 marks), AO2
Question 2 tests the application of knowledge for the analysis of a source. This can be demonstrated, for example, by explaining a term used in a source or by explaining a claim expressed by the source.
Question 3: (6 marks), AO3
Question 3 tests the comparison and/or contrast of the views, ideas, claims and information presented in two of the sources.
Candidates should focus on comparing and/or contrasting specific points in the sources but may make use of their wider study of global politics to provide context, if relevant.
Candidates should organize the material into a clear, logical and coherent response. For the highest marks, a detailed running comparison and/or contrast is expected.
Question 4: (12 marks), AO3
Question 4 tests the evaluation of sources and synthesis of source material and previous knowledge.
Candidates should evaluate the sources and synthesize relevant evidence from them with their own knowledge about the prescribed content of the course.
Candidates should organize the material into a clear, logical and coherent response.
Markbands for Question 4
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1–3 The response shows a limited understanding of the demands of the question.
Little relevant knowledge is demonstrated.
References to the sources are made, but they are mostly descriptive or no clear evidence is integrated in the response.
Different perspectives are not identified.
4–6 The response shows some understanding of the demands of the question.
Some knowledge is demonstrated, but this is not always relevant or accurate.
Evidence from the sources is partially integrated into the response.
Different perspectives are identified, but not explored.
7–9 The response shows adequate understanding of the demands of the question.
Relevant and accurate knowledge is demonstrated.
There is synthesis of own knowledge and source material.
Different perspectives are explored.
10–12 The response shows an in-depth understanding of the demands of the question.
Relevant and accurate knowledge is used effectively throughout.
There is effective synthesis of own knowledge and source material, with appropriate examples integrated in the response.
Different perspectives are explored and evaluated.